
“Take every breath God gives you for what it’s worth.” 

I’m a 21 year old believer, daughter, sister, friend, artist, dreamer, Slurpee-addict, and a huge fan of life. Instead of writing up a huge “about me”, I’ll give you some fun facts; the rest is yours to discover.

I’m a college senior in Maryland, planning on graduation with a degree in digital art + design. I am absolutely blessed beyond belief with a beautiful family, wonderful friends, and a 15-year-old doxie – she’s my baby. You can meet her here! I recently spent part of my summer in San Francisco working for 18 Rabbits as a design intern and I fell in love with everything about the city. I have dreams, aspirations and goals and I plan on making them all happen in my lifetime. 

 I try to strike a happy balance between my slight obsession with hot sauce, hot men, my dog, partying, health and fitness, beauty and fashion, food, traveling, and whatever else life throws at me. I’d say I’m usually pretty good at juggling.  I love lifting heavy things at the gym and getting my cardio in by shopping.  I love everything about traveling. I LOVE tropical places, and sea critters! 

I have Celiac Disease, which prevents me from being able to properly digest gluten – so every meal on here from now til’ forever will be gluten free…I love to experiment with new recipes! Fun fact: most brands of pickles contain gluten! My love for them learned me the hard way. 

So hi, I’m Megan, it’s nice to meet you!


Questions? Wanna chat?!
 Drop me a line: or ask me on Formspring!
 Try to keep it PG, though 😉

76 responses to “Meg

  1. Love this page beautiful girl!

    I look gross in tons of make-up too, but it’s okay. I prefer the natural look. And I’ve gotten many compliments from guys that they like it better than when girls have raccoon eyes! haha.

  2. love how your a christian! love you blog too!

    phillipians 4:13

  3. I always get lost in my purse too! I can never find anythinggggg gah it is the worst lol. You’re amazing chica!

  4. I adore your about me page, you describe yourself so wonderfully. I have just found your blog but know I’m gonna love reading it.

  5. I just discovered your blog. You are so beautiful and spirited, it is an inspiration. I hope to read more sometime. I jusst started my own. You can visit if you like, its just starting so boring right now.

  6. Hi! I just discovered your blog; love it! I’m actually from close to Towson and have a bunch of friends who go there. Small world! I just started my own blog after 2 years of talking myself out of it. Check it out! You’ll probably be the first visitor 🙂

  7. your description is so liberal and adorable. You seem so happy and full of life! Beautiful pics 😉

  8. Hey!I just found your blog and you seem like so much fun! I love to read the blogs of other college students, so I can’t wait to read more:)

  9. Hey! I’m loving your blog and all of your eats.. I’m happy to find another protein lover in the blog world! 😀

  10. Thanks for posting on my blog so I could jump over to yours! 🙂 I love the picture of you and your dad!! 🙂

  11. Oh man, I LOVE 7-11 slurpees. Crystal Light? I’m ALL over that one!

  12. Loving your blog and love your eats girl!!!! You are beautiful and love your positive outlook!!!

  13. pen

    What a wonderful “About” page! You seem so wonderful and vibrant! Can’t wait to read more! And, more importantly, I agree…there is nothing better than good friends and a slurpee!

  14. Ummm…so I kind of love your blog and have been stalking it!


  15. I visit this blog pretty frequently, though I rarely comment, and found this article very interesting. Thanks.

  16. Haha I love that you love slurpees and are darn proud of it! I’ve honestly never had one, but I see people drinking them all the time.

    I look forward to reading more from your blog.

  17. Nice to meet you 🙂
    You have the most gorgeous hair I’ve ever seen!

  18. Jae

    You’re SO pretty!
    And totally digging the fact that you’re a Christian 🙂
    Isnt HE just so amazing?:DD

  19. Hey!! Just found your blog and wanted to let you know that its downright adorable. I’ll be following you 😉

  20. Hi! I just stumbled upon your blog- I love the elephant painting!! =)

  21. You are too cute…I love your blog and bubbly self 🙂

  22. Just came across your blog…you are gorgeous, girly!!!

  23. Hi Meg! Beautiful blog.
    Nice to meet you, too! Haha.
    Alisha 🙂

  24. Just found your blog…. love it! i’ll definitely be reading and following. you have been BLOGROLLED 😀

  25. Ashlei

    Oooh we have a connection! Besides GF…..You used to skate!! Me tooo! 🙂 Oh how I miss it. No ice rinks near me 😦

  26. well HELLO !! 🙂 seems we have A LOT in common! gluten free, DACHSHUNDS, and hee, the same WP theme.. 🙂

    I look forward to reading more, and seeing more photos of that cute doxie, perhaps? 🙂


  27. squigglefloey

    Ok, I’m definitely craving a slurpee right now! haha…they don’t have any 7-11s near my apt 😦

  28. An SF blogger..yay! Even if it’s only temporary. Nice to see you loving the city as much as I do 😉

  29. Pingback: The Quest for Froyo: The Glorious Adventures of Meg, Natalie, and Therese « Cinnamon Bums

  30. I’m way jealous that you’re interning at 18Rabbit! How did you score that one?

  31. Hi MEg! Just found your site so I wanted to say hello!

  32. Hey Meg!

    You are so beautiful, and your blog is adorable! I wanted to say thank you so much for your sweet and encouraging comments on my blog! Have a wonderful day!


  33. what a beautiful spirit you are, girl. love your blog!

    ps – keep praisin’ Him, girl. you are such an encouragement to the rest of us out here!

  34. Wowie, just found you blog and you are just darling! I will be reading!

  35. I just found your blog! We seem to have LOTS in common!

  36. I didn’t realize you go to school in MD! I’m in Baltimore, so we should definitely meet up sometime! 🙂

  37. kaila

    hey meg! i am just wondering what theme you use for your blog? i love how you are able to put pics at the top in your header!


    ~kaila (

  38. Hi Meg!

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. I love yours, too. It’s awesome that you’re interning in Cali at 18 Rabbits! I look forward to reading more of your posts. Adding you to google reader! 🙂

  39. erinsloves

    love your blog girl, cant wait to come back!

  40. Hi Meg! I just found your blog and I just spent a half hour reading your awesome posts 🙂 I love your approach to food and health! Keep up the inspirational writing, and I can’t wait to read more!

  41. Just found your blog recently. I’ve enjoyed reading it and I love the pictures from the island. I love being in the tropics but have only gone to the Hawaiian Island and Bahamas. I have not been to BVI. Enjoy your vacation.

  42. Meg

    Hi there! I just started reading your blog and I must say we have a lot in common- I also have celiac disease, live in Maryland, and am named Meg!
    Oh and if I do say so myself…we both have really awesome hair. 😉 haha
    Nice to meet you!

  43. I just found your blog and I can’t wait to keep reading it.

    You have such a great outlook on life and health not to mention your gorgeous.

  44. LB

    I have a 14 year old doxie too! Penny is so sweet, she’s still quite spunky too. Yours is so cute. Awww 😉

  45. You’re gluten free too?! Sameee here. I’m only intolerant though… we must chat about gf thingss :))

  46. glad to have found another gluten free foodie! Love your adventures and your faith! Keep it strong!

  47. Taya

    Just came across your blog while searching for dry shampoo…anyway ummm please tell me you model? If not then please start now!!!

  48. Please tell me you model!! You’re too gorgeous not to!!

  49. I adore your blog, and you are gorgeous! Added you to my blogroll 🙂

  50. Jos

    Hi there, found your blog from Bora-Bora’s website, congrats being the winner of the new Bora-Bora flavor.

    As a fellow graphic designer, I wanna say hi to you as well 🙂

  51. Nice blog! Hope to see and read more of your posts!

  52. Crazy! You could be my twin.

    Same age, both celiac, and I was a competitive figure skater growing up :). Love health and fitness and presently in college as well.

    AND I am trying yoga for the FIRST time on this coming Thursday. Ill let you know how it is, haha.

  53. Meg,

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for your sweet comment! You are a beautiful girl- inside and out! 🙂

  54. Ohmygosh! You are so pretty AND a great blogger. So glad I found your blog! 😀

  55. You are absolutely stunning–always remember that! I can’t wait to read more!

  56. This Italian Family

    Love your blog! And that you have the word “sunshine” in the name… I LOVE sunshine! 😀 And I LOVE that there are so many other Christians out in the blogworld! That is definitely something I didn’t expect when I started our blog. So encouraging! 🙂

  57. you are gorgeous! So glad I found your blog-looking forward to checking back asap!

  58. Hey there! Just found your blog, and I think it’s great! Aaaand I have to say — your dog is ADORABLE!

  59. Just found your blog, and you seem like such a fabulously ebullient person. 🙂 I’m looking forward to reading more!

  60. Just applied to a couple internships/jobs/graduate schools in Maryland/D.C. area, ahhhh! I can’t believe I’m joining the real world in t-minus 3 and a half months…

  61. I just found your blog and am loving it!!! Can’t wait to read more!!!

  62. hi Meg!! so glad to have found you!!!!!!!!!!!!! amen to your life–I’m sure you’re learning day by day in His amazing LOVE. : ))))))) You have a beautiful smile and radiate with His joy! How long have you been blogging? I just started.

  63. I can’t believe you’re 21! lol you look super young!!! Enjoy it before you get to 22 like me. Wait no, I turned 21 with one yr of experience 😀

  64. mel

    I’m so glad I found your blog! I’m a college student as well, and just found out a year and a half ago that I have celiac disease. I’ve been a dedicated runner since the start of high school, so my new restrictions to an active lifestyle have been somewhat of a struggle. Its refreshing to see that you’ve managed to maintain a healthy balance with this, so thanks for the inspiration 🙂

  65. Lee

    I found your blog through Kath’s. I’m also from Maryland and a graphic designer! (although I don’t live there anymore)

  66. Love your blog, your attitude and your doggy!
    I just subscribed, and i’m following you on twitter. Can’t wait to read more 🙂

  67. Just had to say…you really are gorgeous!!

  68. hello…you are so pretty!!! great blog!

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